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Need to check the employments records of your applicant the easiesty way? or simply to post your employees for other companies' reference? Be a member of StaffChecking first!

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What are the employee's information shared in StaffChecking?

The employee's information found in StaffChecking are his full name, position in the company, the last date he worked and the amount of his last salary. You can know how he performed by checking at his attendance, last employment status and actions. It is also listed here if he has pending payments of loan and advanced cash.

Is StaffChecking also stores records of government employees?

StaffChecking includes the records of government employees here.

What if StaffChecking doesn't have the person we are looking for?

If you can't find the person you are looking in our database, you can suggest our site to the company he worked for. In this way, the company may join our site and add its list of employees to StaffChecking

Can we share subjective comments and feedbacks?

Our member companies only have the privilege to share their comments and feedbacks about the employees.
